If you would like to attend the symposium, please register via the form using the QR code on the flyer or this URL ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdf4lL3grLXoMOuwuDs50PeqxcYephh16rVTo2w-t2Ig0fjaw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0).
We will email you the URL the day before the symposium.
September 27 (Fri): The 16th UU-A International Symposium Series:
“Using Spectral Imaging to Measure the World around Us“
Lecturer: Professor Nathan Adrian Hagen (Utsunomiya University, Japan)
Commentator: Dr. Daniel Memeu Maitethia (Meru University of Science and Technology, Kenya)
Date: 27 September 2024
Time of the event: 8:30-10:00 (Ghana time), 11:30-13:00 (East African time),
17:30-19:00 (Japan time)
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Language: English
Participation fee: Free
Please register using the QR code form on the flyer. The Zoom URL for the symposium will be emailed to you later.
Contact: Office for Inter-University Exchange Project, Utsunomiya University
Tel: +81(0)28-649-5100
Email: tenkai@miya.jm.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp